To Athens With Love

This is a documented "online journal" of my preparations, as well as the trip, to Athens, Greece during the Summer Olympics for a mission trip with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). This past summer has already been an awesome experience, and I know that God is going to continue to bless this trip, and He's going to work through it in more ways then possibly imaginable!!! And this is where I will share my stories and updates with you...

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Location: Washington, United States

I'm a 20 year old college girl just trying to make her way through life and make a difference in the world, discovering God's wonders along the way..

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Tuesday, July 20, 2004


Ok, I just got a step closer to my trip: I went to the doctor and got the medical release...YAY!!! Every day something happens that I get a step closer to going, and yet it feels like a step farther from reality! Why is that I wonder?

Well, yesterday I said I had 16 days to that count, I now have 15 days. But that count is incorrect. Before, I was scheduled to meet with the rest of the group in Port Orchard, WA for training on August 4th. We'd be there for a few days, and then leave for Greece on August 7th. But now our flight to Athens got bumped to the 6th, so now we get to meet on the 3rd. So that means I now have *14* days to go! The time is dwindling quickly! :)

But I am still very excited! I have been dealing with the fear factor a little bit lately (seeing as we'll be in prime terrorist target area for almost 20 days), but God keeps reminding me that He's in control. My personal theme verse for this trip that God has been working into my heart is Proverbs 3:5-6: "Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean NOT on your own understanding; in ALL your ways acknowledge HIM, and HE shall direct your path!" It tells me that if I just leave everything up to God and not go by my own instincts, then God will keep me on track!

Also, He's been using Romans 8:28: "For God works out ALL things for the good of those who love Him; for those who are called according to His purpose!" I love God more than anything in my life (how could I not after all He's done for me??), and I really believe that it's His will for me to go. So I know (though I have to constantly remind myself) that God will work out everything that happens for our good. It may not always be the good *WE* want, but God knows best, and that's where the trust factor comes in. But it's SO reassuring that God is in control and He will work it all out!

Ok, so that was a HUGE mouthful and I promise I didn't mean to say all that! :P But it's all good stuff, so I'm gunna leave it that way, ok? God bless you all, and I hope all is well! :)

Thoroughly excited,

<>< Christi <><


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