Instant Messanger Conversation
I had an interesting conversation with a friend tonight, and I really thought it was cool so I'm gunna post it so ya'll can see it! You don't have to read it, but it's just kinda like REALLY COOL and TOTALLY POWERFUL!!! :D (now if that wasn't a guilt trip, what is? hehehe!)
But seriously, if you don't have time to burn then it's not too important...otherwise, totally check it out! :)
<>< Christi <><
christi says: what is your fave bible verse?
isaiah says: honestly don't know...acts 1:8 is good good
christi says: really? what is it? (i don't have a bible here with me...)
isaiah says: and then you shall receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses in all the earth ***pirty sure it's along those lines***
isaiah says: the thing is the greek word for power that is used in original text tho! it means 'dunamis power' which like, the greek word is what 'dynomite' came like, the verse is saying how we will be empowered by god with some major super duper stuffola
christi says: wow!!! that's tight!!!
isaiah says: yeyeah
christi says: i like that one!!
isaiah says: jesus said we would do greater things than he why don't we get our lazy rear-ends up and do some great stuff?
christi says: AMEN!!!!! that's one reason i'm going to Greece, lol
isaiah says: better be expecting
isaiah says: like, now....expect crazy cool stuff to happen that only god could do
isaiah says: if you don't expect it to happen, nothing happens
christi says: amen!!! and we KNOW cool stuff is gunna happen....some of the stuff God is planning is just mind-blowing at how BIG He's going this time!!
christi says: He's actually revealed some of the stuff He's gunna be doing in Greece to some of the people who are going on our trip
christi says: all i can say about it is that it's GOING to be HUGE, and that it's going to impact the entire world as we know it today!!!
isaiah says: exactly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
isaiah says: that too
christi says: hehehe! will you be praying that God works through this in the huge ways we know He will? and even that He'll turn it into an even bigger thing than He had been planning before?
isaiah says: yeeyah
isaiah says: prayer is soooo important
christi says: Amen to that!!!
christi says: my last summer has been totally DEPENDANT on prayer!!!
isaiah says: good good
christi says: and how awesome it has been, actually taking the time to go to God more than usual and just talk to Him!!! He's sooo awesome!!
isaiah says: yeah i kno!!!! he is uber koolness!
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