To Athens With Love

This is a documented "online journal" of my preparations, as well as the trip, to Athens, Greece during the Summer Olympics for a mission trip with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). This past summer has already been an awesome experience, and I know that God is going to continue to bless this trip, and He's going to work through it in more ways then possibly imaginable!!! And this is where I will share my stories and updates with you...

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Location: Washington, United States

I'm a 20 year old college girl just trying to make her way through life and make a difference in the world, discovering God's wonders along the way..

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Saturday, August 14, 2004

Greece Update (From Christi's Dad!)

Christi called this morning at 1:00AM (11AM Athens time) and we were excited to talk to her for about 20 minutes. It was great to hear the excitement in her voice as she shared some of her experiences from Athens! Since they haven't been near an Internet Cafe lately, she asked me to give you an update.

The first week has included swimming in the Mediterranean, bargaining with the shop keepers to get the best deal (she takes after her Mom), visiting the Acropolis, and having some awesome worship time and prayer with a large group of Ywamer's on Mars Hill where the Apostle Paul preached almost 2000 years ago proclaiming the good news of Jesus to the people of Athens (Acts 17:16-34).

One of her favorite stories that she shared with us was about a small group of them coming back down from Mars Hill and sorta getting lost. Just then a stray dog came up to them and walked ahead seemingly showing them the way. There were a couple of "strange" guys that passed them, slowed down, and were watching them. The dog, being protective, ran over and bit one of the guys on the leg and they left. Then the dog caught up with the group again. They weren't sure which street to take, but the dog went ahead of them down one road, so they followed. It turned out to be the right way to go! Since he "showed them the way", they named him JOHNNY B after John the Baptist. The next day, they saw JOHNNY B on Mars Hill! God works in mysterious ways . . . .

The group has been staying just outside of Athens. In the first week, Christi has learned a new appreciation for washing machines (she gets to wash her clothes by hand) and especially for toilets that work! I'll let her add to that subject :-).

Tomorrow, the group is heading for Corinth and Naphlio where they will focus on their outreach to the local people. Christi has asked prayer for a couple of kids who are sick, for unity within the group and for wisdom for Christi as she is mentoring a few of the younger kids in the group. Also pray for the group as they take a stand for God in Naphlio in the week ahead.

Oh . . . and thank God for JOHNNY B. I know I have!

(Christi's Dad)


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