To Athens With Love

This is a documented "online journal" of my preparations, as well as the trip, to Athens, Greece during the Summer Olympics for a mission trip with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). This past summer has already been an awesome experience, and I know that God is going to continue to bless this trip, and He's going to work through it in more ways then possibly imaginable!!! And this is where I will share my stories and updates with you...

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Location: Washington, United States

I'm a 20 year old college girl just trying to make her way through life and make a difference in the world, discovering God's wonders along the way..

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Thursday, August 26, 2004

Kali nichta, and Yasas again!!!

(Kali nichta = good night)

Well everyone, so ends an awesome journey of God in me and my friends to a foreign country called Greece, but so begins an amazing new lifestyle at home. My flight got into Seattle at around 8-8:30 pm Washington time, and it's now 1:01 am. I have officially been up for over 24 hours because of the time difference between Frankfurt, Germany and here. Yes, that's right...Germany. Our group got to spend the night in host homes across Frankfurt because we had a 20 hour lay-over on our way home. One of the gentlemen from Germany that spoke at the True Love Waits rally was able to go home and ask his church for families who would be willing to take us (all 37 or so of us) into their homes for a night. It was soooo wonderful!!! So I got to stay in a German home, in a German bed, eat real German food, and also the host home I was staying at took us to a Castle in the morning before he dropped us off at the airport! Praise the Lord we didn't have to spend all that time sleeping in the airport!!! :P

Well, I have about 6 hours of sleep ahead of me before I leave for a camping trip with my family, best friend, and others tomorrow morning, so I am going to cut this short for now. I *REALLY* need to get some sleep so I'm not a total zombie when we leave!

So for now I'll just leave it at this: God worked miracles in Greece, several people came into a PERSONAL relationship with Him, I grew spiritually and in maturity, and everyone involved in the trip has been touched and blessed in ways that only God can put together...including you, I hope! I thank and praise God for all your prayers and support because, without you, things wouldn't have had half the impact! We could feel all your prayers and love with us, and, in many situtations, it was the only thing holding us together! Satan had (and unfortunatly still has to some degree) a VERY strong hold on Greece, but, through prayer and supplication, God broke a lot of the evil strongholds down and replaced them with His own! Praise God!!!

Before I go, I want to share with you one song that basically became our promise from God that He would rock Greece! It goes like this:

"You said, 'Ask and you will recieve whatever you need!'
You said, 'Pray and I'll hear from Heaven, and I'll heal your land!'

You said Your glory will fill the earth like water the seas
You said, 'Lift up your eyes! The harvest is here, the Kingdom is near!'

You said:
'Ask and I'll give the nations to you!'
Oh Lord, that's the cry of my heart!
Distant shores and the Islands will sing
Of Your love as it rises on earth!"

Thank you again for all your love and prayers! God bless you all, and I'll update more when I get home from Oregon!

A new creation in Him,
<>< Christi <><


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